All Campaigns - Factory Bombing Run Stats
Sortable Table
Name | Missions | Kills | Losses | Hours |
This is the 617 Factory Bombing Run (FBR) Stats page
The way it works is, it looks at the sorties pages and counts all the missions that have a DB7 and are 30 minutes or longer. Then it counts the number of kills, deaths, and adds up the total time for the missions that fall into that category.
Missions: The number of FBRs flown
Kills: The number of kills during FBRs
Losses: The number of KIAs, MIAs and Crits during FBRs
Hours: The number of hours flown during FBRs
Mission/Death: The ratio of missions to deaths
All Campaigns - Factory Bombing Run Stats
Name | Missions | Kills | Losses | Hours |